Louisville Packaging is located at 7755 National Turnpike, Louisville, KY 40214
Click on the
icon below (on the map) for interactive, turn by turn directions to our office.
Directions From Major Cities In The Region
From Nashville, TN
Take I-65 North towards Louisville. Merge on to KY-841 or I-265 West exit 125-B
Take the KY-1020 National Turnpike exit 8 towards Fairdale
Turn right onto National Turnpike KY-1020
After approx, 1.25 miles (3rd Stop light) turn right onto the Louisville Industrial Center (LIC)
Enter the industrial park, go across the railroad tracks and the building on the right hand side is 7755 National Turnpike.
From Lexington, KY
Take I-64 West towards Louisville. Merge on to KY-841 or I-265 South exit 19-A
Take the KY-1020 National Turnpike exit 8 towards Fairdale
Turn right onto National Turnpike KY-1020
After approx, 1.25 miles (3rd Stop light) turn right onto the Louisville Industrial Center (LIC)
Enter the industrial park, go across the railroad tracks and the building on the right hand side is 7755 National Turnpike.
From Cincinnati, OH
Take I-71 South towards Louisville. Merge on to I-264 West exit 5
Merge onto I-65 South Nashville
Take the KY-1065 West Outer Loop exit. Exit 127 towards Fairdale
Turn right onto National Turnpike KY-1020
After approx, 0.7 miles (Stop light) turn right onto the Louisville Industrial Center (LIC)
Enter the industrial park, go across the railroad tracks and the building on the right hand side is 7755 National Turnpike.